I have created award winning ideas across all media channels for some of the world's most famous brands. Creative Director, copywriter, art director and all-round ad making blackbelt...oh and has a left foot like a wand.



D&AD Pencil

Cannes Lions Gold

Creative Circle Gold

Creative Circle / Silver Best Portrait Poster

Creative Circle / Silver Idents

Creative Circle/ Bronze Radio

Creative Circle Silver / Best Multimedia Campaign x 2

Creative Circle Bronze / Best Newcomers

Kinsale Gold

Kinsale Silver

Kinsale Bronze

Campaign Big / Silver x 3

The Drum - best branded content - Coffee vs Gangs

The Drum - best integrated cross channel media.

FAB Gold x2

FAB Silver

FAB Best branded content - Coffee vs Gangs

Creative review award - best in Book

BIMA 'Minor Miracle Award. Blind eye.

BIMA 'Education and Outreach Award. Blind eye.

Revolution Awards Gold. Not for profit. Blind eye.

Revolution Awards - finalist financial services

BTAA nomination

Aerial Award 2010 quarterly

Sony Radio Academy Award / Nomination

Gramia Winner: / Ambient Media: Best Brand Experience 'Mo's Moustache Emporium'.